aXpire Software help increase businesses’​ revenues and profit margins with cutting-edge products that dramatically increase productivity.

aXpire Software is building out two very interesting products called Resolvr and Bilr. Both of these products will be estimated to earn/save businesses hundreds of thousands each in optimized invoicing, reduced time waste, and more.

aXpire Software products,Benefits & Features

Resolvr — For Funds

Expense allocation software for funds. Start saving hundreds of thousands per year through efficient cost cutting.

Increases revenue: Digital data streams and artificial intelligence optimizes expense allocation to increase our client funds’ profit margins.

Streamlines communication: On-platform communication features for team members and vendors ensures efficient workflows and turnarounds.

Optimizes operations: We reduce invoice processing time, on average, from 46 days to 1 day or less.

Stop losing time and money: By using Resolvr a bank could cut down a football stadium worth of compliance staff, saving millions.

Bilr — For Lawyers
Legal e-billing application for lawyers. Start making a meaningful 6-11% more profits on all invoices through AI.

Best Legal Billing Software For Law Firms

With Bilr time recording becomes a means to increase profits rather than a dreaded end-of-month chore.

Welcome to the future of e-billing – Modernize your billing process

Bilr is a legal e-billing application with speech-to-text functionality. Lawyers are able to submit invoices on the go, saving hours of time. Invoices are also optimized by artificial intelligence before going out the door, ensuring average revenue increases of 6-11%.

E-billing solution offers powerful features unmatched by competition

Speech-to-text functionality: Speech-to-text functionality allows you to submit invoices on the go, freeing up time.

AI voice assistant for in-app tasks :The AI voice assistant allows for easy support and hands-free use of the app.

Profit-enhancing invoice optimization: Submitted invoices are checked and optimized against our database of bills.

Enterprise-grade security of data: Customer information is secured using enterprise-grade security solutions.

Increase your profit margins with unparalleled ease With saved time and increased revenues, Bilr essentially pays for itself. Increase your revenues with ease by getting our innovative e-billing solution today.

Stop losing time and money with manual time recording: Professional services firms, from top shelf global law firms to individual lawyers, lose significant revenues and profits during the process of accurately recording time. Throughout our 15+ years of legal tech experience, we’ve seen just about every version of an incorrect legal or non-legal vendor invoice. Bilr incorporates this knowledge and mitigates the inefficiencies completely, supported by artificial intelligence.

Whether you’re an individual Lawyer, or a multi-national Law firm, we have a plan that will match your specific needs.

Find a plan that’s right for you
Our fees are 100% transparent, and our subscriptions include every single feature that Bilr provides.
Increase profit margins by 6-11%
Avoid hours of manual-input time waste
Send and receive clean invoices
Clock more billable hours
Custom — For Businesses
Need something new? Get in touch with us and we’ll help you figure out how aXpire can help your business.

We work with you to create custom software for your business, digitizing old processes to increase profits.

We offer flexible pricing models where we get compensated based on how much you save.

All customer information and data are secured through enterprise-grade security solutions.

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